Dwayne Hodgson

A Portfolio

The work and adventures of Dwayne Hodgson,
+ Learning Designer & Facilitator at learningcycle.ca
+ Storyteller & Photographer @ thataway.ca

2023 Cozumel, Mexico

I have always gone on “trips” more than “vacations”.

Trips are more like “adventures” in which you throw yourself into a new location and culture, expend huge amounts of energy trying to figure things out, but save a lot of money and feel like you saw the “real” place that you were visiting. Trips are full of uncertainty and novelty, and require making constant decisions and continuous planning. They are best taken in places where it is cooler, rugged and remote.

“Vacations” are the direct opposite: you go to a new location that is heavily curated for you by an established tourist-industrial complex. You pre-arrange everything and basically show up and everything happens without your involvement. There are few decisions or surprises, but you can actually relax physically and mentally.

After dragging my son around on trips to cold, coastal locations with forest and no WIFI, he informed me that he wanted to go to a beach. “Oh, like in Newfoundland? They have lots of beaches”.
”NO! A real beach with warm water and heat.”

And so….. March break saw us going to Cozumel and booking an all-inclusive hotel. My biggest decision was what (watered-down) drink to order next.

It was stressful, but I coped. My son, more importantly, thrived.

p.s. I also took advantage of Cozumel’s excellent diving opportunities. Below are some pictures that I clipped from video footage.

2022 Chicago

I had a chance to attend the Labor Notes conference in Chicago in June 2023. My daughter joined me for a few days afterwards to see the city.

It’s a great place for a few days of site seeing. And yes, do take the Architecture Boat Tour. It’s the best way to see the many amazing sky scrapers.

2022 NYC & Brooklyn

We took a quick trip down to NYC for Easter Weekend. Still one of my favourite cities in the world.

2020 - 2021 Ottawa

Sometimes you get to go to cool, exotic places and take interesting pictures.

Other times, for example in the middle of a Global Pandemic, you’ve got no choice but to stay put and find the beauty around you.

Fortunately, Ottawa offers lots of great scenes within 10 km of my house. Here are a few from the past while.

2019 BC & Alberta

We travelled to Haida Gwai and Canmore / Banff Alberta.

2019 Norway

Isaac and I went with his football team to take part in the Norway Cup, one of the largest youth soccer tournaments in the world. We also got to see a bit of Oslo, which was cool.

2019 France

We crashed the tail end of our daughter’s exchange in France in 2019. We visited with her host family in Cergy-Pontoise, and Paris, but also took a quick road trip to Normandy to visit Mont Saint-Michel and then back through the Loire Valley.

2019 France


Here are a few pictures from Paris and environs.


And here are a few from Mont-Saint-Michel, an island monastery just off the coast.

2018 Ukraine

I had a chance to visit Kyiv (not “Kiev”!), Ukraine for work. It was only a brief visit, but I really enjoyed what I saw.

2018 Jordan

I had a chance to return to Jordan in 2018.

2017 Colombia

I took a short trip to Colombia in 2017. I visited Bogota and a retreat centre 4 hours away in the mountains.

2017 Newfoundland (but not Labrador)

In keeping with our tradition of visiting cold places with trees and oceans — which our kids love — we went to Newfoundland.